Biz Tips: Start Using Personalized Marketing In Your Business Now

Biz Tips: Start Using Personalized Marketing In Your Business Now


Start Using Personalized Marketing In Your Business Now

Do it. Because people want it!

Before starting to write this, I have a problem with personalized my Google News. The news that displays not the way I wanted it. So, I try to personalize it by my self, and unfortunately, I still cannot do it. After that, I decide to delete it right away, bye bye google news… (Although I already used it for a long time).

I started to search for new news apps, I have a feature that can personalize the content by my self. After surfing the internet for a while, I’m so happy that I find a flip board. A News app that can simply personalize the news based on what I’m interesting. It’s so effective, no more boring news and article that I had not related to it. Since I’m just interested in news and article that relate to music, art, design, and digital marketing. I don’t need news and content that talk about politic, animal, cooking or maybe military.. seriously I don’t need them.

After that I realize something, this shows how much I’m demand and rely on personalized content. In my case, when I start used Flipboard, it really saves my time, effort, and make thing easier for me too, since It’s just showing exactly what I want.

The demand for this personalization just not happen in me, but in many of you too. The information is so overload now, we can’t have our attention to everything, because our attention is limited, We pay our attention to the things that we are really interested. Personalization very helps us to pay attention to what we really interest.

Personalization is a big challenge to every marketer now. How they can offer a personalization experience.

According to salesforce research, 58% of consumers say a personalized experience is very important when purchasing from a company.

If customers don’t receive the level of customization they expect, they won’t hesitate to shop around. More than half (52%) of consumers are somewhat likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t make an effort to personalize their communications to them.

Personalization your marketing is very important now because of this what people demand from your business

But, what is personalized marketing?

Our the most beloved source says Personalized marketing, also known as one-to-one marketing or individual marketing, is a marketing strategy by which companies leverage data analysis and digital technology to deliver individualized messages and product offerings to current or prospective customers. Advancements in data collection methods, analytics, digital electronics, and digital economics, have enabled marketers to deploy more effective real-time and prolonged customer experience personalization tactics. (I know your demand simple explanation)

Let’s simplify the definition,

Personalized marketing is an implementation of a marketing strategy that focuses deliver content on each individual interest.

The implementation of personalized marketing based on data collection and analysis result, and use automation technology to do it.

Personalized marketing basically use data-driven to make strategic marketing. Data playing a key role in personalized marketing.

This data is contained all about customer information, from their interest in their behavior. There is debate still going on right now, this violation of private information or not.

The good thing is it’s “Not”, even customer willingly to give you their data so you can make personalized content for them. According to Salesforce (they do a good job on this) the majority are willing to trade data for tailored experiences. 50% of consumers say they’re willing to share personal data in exchange for personalized offers or discounts. Additionally, consumers will share personal data in exchange for product recommendations that meet their needs (52%) and personalized shopping experiences (53%). Never do something stupid like predicting your customer pregnant, seriously never do this. If you do this, you will be seen as an intruder in their lives, who spying all their activity. Never ever do personalized marketing like this. Do it more clever and responsible, as if you understand their lives not like to gain an advantage of their lives.

The goals of personalized marketing are to engage the customer in a personal way so they can have a personal experience toward your brand, this will make them feel so special. Because we treat them as a unique individual, that have unique interest and needs.

Of course, never do it something for free right? Don’t worry they will do a favor in return. Personalized content that you made will be reward by them nicely. They will return the favor with more attention, more interest, more trust, more love and of course more purchase.

Now, it’s time to learn from big brand how they do personalized content and what benefit they get from it,

Let’s get started:

1. Amazon

Amazon is a good example of how they make a website more personal to their customer. Look how they did to me below.

Screenshot from my Amazon Page Recommendation

The recommendation to me based on what recent item I bought before, and what things I recently search. What I see on my page, and when what you see on your page will be different, because it based on what we interest. Now, do you already understand right why data play a key role in personalized marketing?

For this recommendation that Amazon gives to me, it’s very helping and good to me. They give me what I wanted to see. Less confusion, less searching but more purchase. Here’s what we call good personalized marketing. It strikes me to the point. Well done Amazon!!


The recommendation system Amazon works well with its customer. The company reported a 29% sales increase to $12.83 billion during its second fiscal quarter, up from $9.9 billion during the same time last year.

See? Personalized marketing increase your revenue business.

The recommendation system that Amazon give to their customer sometimes leads to unplanned purchasing decisions.

Personalized content can help customer discover something new related to their interest. Show them what they want, and they will pay it back nicely.

2. Cadbury

In 2014 Cadbury created a vending machine in Australia that dispenses chocolate based on user facebook profile. This vending machine called “The Joy Generator Machine”. This vending machine installed with a ‘Flavour Matcher’ App, which allowed users to find out their personality type by their favorite flavor. Cadbury has been successful to create a mobile-driven campaign based on a personalized video that their made.

Cadbury Joy Generator
The personality type that Cadbury tell us

They don’t just stop right there if u check their website now, Cadbury tries to create a personalized product to their customer. They let customer design their chocolate bar to be present as a gift to someone special to them.

A personalized product that Cadbury offer to us

Cadbury shows us how they very serious about creating personalized content to all their customer.


Cadbury gets 65 percent click-through rate and a 33.6 percent conversion rate with this personalized marketing campaign they do. Cadbury even makes people give away free their Facebook profile and information just to know what their personal preference of chocolate, and no one complaining about that. This is very genius.

Cadbury shows us how to combine media in a good way to get effective personalized marketing. The experience that customer gets both happens in offline and online. This will trigger emotional engagement to Cadbury customer, So, it will be no surprise when Cadbury customer becomes very loyal to them.

This is shown that personalized marketing not just drive the revenue but also improve the customer experience

3. Coca-Cola

For the first time for 10 years Coca-Cola. See a rise in their sales in summer 2014. Do you know what caused this? Their campaign, ‘Share a Coke’. It’s a personalized marketing campaign like your guess. The best thing about this campaign is that it triggers people to buy a coke with their name on it, your family member name, or maybe your dear close friend. If you are just too lazy to find it you can make it one on their website like this.

That’s my nickname on it LOL

Another best thing to Coca-Cola ‘Share a Coke’ campaign is they are shareable. If you don’t believe me, just check #shareacoke on Instagram, it still generates new content from the customer right now. People will happily take a picture with Coca-Cola coke with their name on it or name of someone close to them.


‘Share a Coke’ campaign just not give Coca-Cola improvement on their sales revenue, it’s more than that. Coca-Cola success connects with their consumer on a high level, where it’s very personal.

Let the picture talking to you,

Coca-Cola treats people as individuals who have different interests, different needs, and unique stories. People become to feel more attached to the brand more than they realize. This is the true power of personalized marketing content.


The right time to do personalized marketing for your brand is now. Don’t make excuse to not do it, because people already expect you to do it for them. Give them what they want as Amazon did with their personal recommendation. Set personalized content as the main focus on your marketing strategy campaign and integrated it to all your marketing channel to support it.

Remember to do deep research first based on your customer persona so you can make the best-personalized content to them. Make it, based on data on you have about the customer. The more data you have the more good it is. If you don’t do this it will be wasted. Check out, and map your content so it can reach your customer at the right place and time. Try some experiment with the media and technology, be creative!! Maybe you can succeed as Cadbury did with their Joy Generator Machine and Flavour Match apps.

Personalized marketing it’s all about to give the customer the best experience they can get with your brand.

So, be creative to create and deliver your personalized content. Be like Coca-Cola that they personalized content touch on a personal level of their customer, and don’t forget to make it “shareable” as they do.

Personalized marketing it’s already a future of marketing. Using data-driven marketing strategy to make personalized content matching with your customer interest and needs.

Share your opinion below, what best-personalized content that you ever get from other brand and how you create your own personalized marketing strategy with us.

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Start Using Personalized Marketing In Your Business Now was originally published in Marketing And Growth Hacking on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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